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05.10.2011 в 18:30
Alef x0 @ Johann
do you love theater as I love him?

in fact, joking aside, I really like rugby … especially when a team of New Zealand before the game suits a show called "Now I'll tear" …
05.10.2011 в 19:17
Johann x0 @ Alef
Kiwies are cool + maximum balanced team to all positions. But, IMO, in 2011 they haven't as strong individualities as Australia or France has. England also is pretty strong, it has fastest runners.
05.10.2011 в 19:24
Alef x0 @ Johann
I look just Tri-Nations played … and All Blacks - The Best
05.10.2011 в 19:41
Johann x0 @ Alef
Maybe. I know by now it doubles All Blacks ambitions, because the current World Cup had been arranged in NZ. Great games this week on air. Getting hotter. Nice that Russian TV, aside of satellite and cable channels, started broadcasting it live. Enjoy.
05.10.2011 в 19:44
Alef x0 @ Johann
Thanks… I will see )

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