Знакомства, любовь, флирт

My name is mis joy i saw your profile
today at/nnov.ru/and became
intrested in you,i will also like to know
you the more,and i want you to send a
mail to my e-mail address so i can give
you my picture for you to know whom l
am.Here is my e-mail address
believe we can move from here.I
am waiting for your mail to my e-mail
address above.mis joy.
(Remeber the distance or colour
does not matter but love matters alot in life)
Please reply me with my e-mail
address here
My name is mis joy i saw your profile
today at/nnov.ru/and became
intrested in you,i will also like to know
you the more,and i want you to send a
mail to my e-mail address so i can give
you my picture for you to know whom l
am.Here is my e-mail address
believe we can move from here.I
am waiting for your mail to my e-mail
address above.mis joy.
(Remeber the distance or colour
does not matter but love matters alot in life)
Please reply me with my e-mail
address here
Последние обсуждаемые темы на этом форуме: | Ответов | Автор | Обновлено |
Гадалка | 172 | Анна 1982 | 03.01.2025 в 16:54 Самурай |
Поход к ясновидящей | 27 | rufvalentina | 03.01.2025 в 16:54 Самурай |
Отзывы о гадалках, экстрасенсах. | 26 | rufvalentina | 03.01.2025 в 16:54 Самурай |
Стоит ли тратить время и деньги на гадалок? | 36 | salariya | 03.01.2025 в 16:54 Самурай |
ЯСНОВИДЯЩАЯ МАРИЯ – ХОРОШАЯ ГАДАЛКА И ЧЕЛОВЕК | 1 | Marina S2 | 03.01.2025 в 16:53 Самурай |