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мужчина 43 года, ищет девушку
Цель знакомства:
флирт, интим
женат.ищу любовницу
04.03.2014 в 04:28
susans @ сергей 6090291 Ответить

Hi, I am lieutenant general Susan J. Helms, a United State army general from the United States of America,We don’t know each other but it would be great to get to know you ,kindly permit my contacting you through this medium I am compelled to contact you via this medium for obvious reasons which you will understand when we discuss details of my proposition,Please I will like you to reply to me through my mail address( msusanhelms@hotmail.com) so that we will know each other very well,do not be afraid in replying my mail for i have a very important and confidential matter that i want to discuss with you, i am still working in Libya for the sake of the crisis in Libya, so kindly reply me so that i will introduce myself to you and the reason why i am contacting you, I am looking forward to your positive confirmation to enable us have an important discussion then we will start from there which will include my introduction.


Susan Helms.


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